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Achieve your ultimate fitness results at home


FEEL it in 4 weeks

SEE it in 8 weeks

BE it in 12 weeks 


Week 4 - Clients typically feel changes in their physique and energy levels, along with mental clarity.

Week 8 - Clients begin to see visual improvements in their physique as they become stronger and healthier.

Week 12 - Clients achieve lasting results, as the exciting process of reclaiming their body and their metabolism is well underway.


Get fit, get healthy, feel great!


Get in Shape at Home

Get in shape without a gym. Equipment needed - Set of dumbbells, an exercise ball, a mat, and the internet.

Nutrition and Lifestyle

Change the trajectory of your life by adopting nutritional and lifestyle habits. Included with Total Fitness Online.

Private Fitness Community

Get access to Dan's private fitness community. Connect with Dan and other clients who are on their fitness journey!


Top features

  • Weekly fitness video sessions
  • Weekly nutrition video sessions
  • Designed for long term goals
  • Private fitness community
  • Lifestyle coaching support
  • Support from Dan
  • Beginner friendly
  • Cancel any time
  • Zero commitment
  • Zero additional fees

"I am loving this program! It sure takes ALOT of concentration for me to keep the hips in the proper position, I imagine after awhile muscle memory will kick in:) I can really feel the core engaged. Thank You!" 

Sasha J. 

How the program works

Total Fitness Online is a unique service that delivers clients weekly pre-recorded personal training sessions by Dan Lyons. Training sessions are focused on building strength, while losing stubborn body fat in problem areas. Exercises use body weight, dumbbells, and an exercise ball. Clients can interact directly with Dan and leave feedback. Total Fitness Online also includes the Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching program. This program delivers clients weekly pre-recorded goals for nutrition and lifestyle changes. Each week contains a small goal which builds upon previous milestones. Total Fitness Online additionally includes access to Dan's Fitness Community. Sign up and get instant access to the program.


"I appreciate the emphasis on form. It actually makes the exercises more comfortable than just doing it any old way. I also appreciate your repetition and reminders. So far I'm really loving this program."

John F.

Meet your trainer, Dan Lyons

From humble roots to a 20-year personal training career, Dan has seen it all and understands what it’s like to struggle with weight loss, health and fitness. He’s got the skills to help you get there. Dan is committed to giving clients a "one-stop" solution for reclaiming their metabolism through exercise, nutrition and lifestyle.

Dan Lyons, ISSA personal trainer, nutritionist, exercise physiologist.

Total Fitness Online

Get the fit, toned, healthy body you've always wanted, without leaving your house. Train on demand with Dan Lyons, nationally certified personal trainer. Take advantage of the new included nutrition and lifestyle coaching.